In this short talk episode with Judith Germain of the amazing Maverick Paradox Podcast we speak about setting the entrepreneur free. It's a conversation about leadership and growth and how to make the transformation you need to make.
Key Takeaways
- Success should be defined by the entrepreneur based on their own values and priorities, not society's standards.
- Take care of yourself mentally and physically is critical on the entrpreneurial journey
- Clarity of purpose and vision enables effective hiring and delegation.
Leadership and Growth
- Research shows many entrepreneurs fear next level of success and hiring and managing.
- Must transition from doing everything yourself to delegating responsibilities.
- Start by Identifying your genius zone - where you add most value
- Then determine what can be delegated to free up your time in the genius zone.
- Hire for attitude and higher skill level than your own.
- Give team member full responsibility rather than micromanaging.
Making the Transformation
- Requires moving into expansiveness and shedding limiting behaviours / beliefs
- Can't just overload yourself then hire someone - have a plan
- Minimize meandering by having clarity of purpose, vision, milestones.
- Adjust along the way, but start with clarity on where you're going.
Closing Thoughts
- Define your own version of success based on your values not society's
- Make sure your definition includes taking care of yourself mentally and physically
- Ask yourself - what are you willing to do to achieve your version of success.